That's what Christmas is all about. Giving to others, and expecting nothing in return. It really is all about the gifts! Not the physical gifts, placed underneath the tree, but the idea behind them. The doing your best to make others happy. The exchange of your typical stinginess for your charity (and your charity always being accompanied by you saying "well, it's Christmas"). Your extra boost of decemberly compassion, and the you doing your best to make life for other people, easier. When I see this happen in real life, I'm inspired, and i'm also reminded of my relationship with God.
In Luke, when angels are talking about Jesus being born, they say things like "He will be great news in the hearts of all people," and "Peace on earth, good will to all men" and Jesus who is supposedly this magnificent, all powerful, entity, was coming to earth, as a gift, for us. He came "Not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many" (-Jesus, mark 10:45) and not because we can do anything for him, but because he is love, and a hero in regards to charity.
I am the child, and God is the marine. I can not give God, any benefit, He is God. Does he really NEED anything? Just like the little kid, I can offer nothing, but Jesus excepts my metaphorical Christmas list nonetheless, but on a much bigger and more dramatic scale. He gave his life as a ransom for me, and not just me, but for everyone. Jesus is not looking at our social status, intelligence, monetary welfare, or even our righteousness or good deeds. His Christmas gift is "Good will to ALL men" and it's free! We can take it! it's a gift. and that's good. because I need it.
I need Christmas. Especially in my darkest moments, I need a win. I need someone who loves me, regardless how big my demons are. I need someone who knows me completely, yet accepts me fully. I need a friendship that is incorruptible. I need a hero to stand by me when I can offer him nothing. Everyone does. Well, actually, I have no idea what everyone else needs, but it is what I need. And that's what Christ offered us when he was born, while he was living, when he died, and even now. The Bible says that God will love us no matter what. (Romans 8 and lots of other places as well) and I could not be more thankful. If angels had said that Jesus came to give peace to only the people who held any sort of consistent degree of any type of merit, I would be very sad. I have been the worst man that I have ever known personally, (at least in my own mind.) and I would not make the cut. Luckily Jesus has come to give peace to every man. Even the kid in the mall who has nothing to offer. Even me, who often has had even less.
Merry Christmas,
I hope you've found an abundance of love!
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